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Testimonials - archive

“Talking with Alex was like being given Google Maps for my life.”

Lee, Director of Operations in Marketing Agency


“Alex has an uncanny ability to be both incredibly incisive and also extremely empathetic at the same time.

He has the courage to call you out on your stories and narratives, yet also the compassion and gentleness for you to feel safe enough to actually examine yourself and your shadow sides & blindspots.

He pulls down from his encyclopedic knowledge of personal development. He reaches over with the deep care he has for the humans around him.

He played a crucial role in the darkest period of my life, and I’m forever thankful for his steadfast, loving, & reaffirming counsel.”

Anjan, Founder & CEO technology startup


"Since working with Alex, I have experienced growth in all areas of my life. I am evolving in my career and finding more satisfaction in my personal relationships. Alex has an innate ability to hold space for his clients; his approach is so clearly not one-size-fits-all, as he intuitively perceives what I need at the moment and adjusts accordingly. His sensitivity and presence, coupled with his intellectual sharpness, make him a unique partner to have in my corner. It enables him to function multidimensionally–for me, he’s been a business consigliere, relationship advisor, and spiritual guide.

Having one person be able to move so fluidly between roles helps me find real alignment and operate from a place of authenticity. Confidence, courage, and resilience are all natural byproducts of channeling that deeper knowing. Life now feels less like a problem to solve and more like an opportunity to explore. It’s incredible how much positive change I have seen flow from that way of being. I have Alex to credit for that. I am grateful I found him and would recommend him to anyone who is ready to live more bravely, fiercely, and fully."

Alex, Entrepreneur


"I consider myself fortunate to have worked with Alex as my coach. He combines his intellect with a commitment to attentive listening, a combination that has enriched my personal and professional growth.

What sets Alex apart is his commitment to my growth, which transcends our sessions. He consistently goes above and beyond, offering additional insights and resources over text, ensuring that our collaborative efforts maintain momentum.

Alex's intuitive knack for uncovering the deeper meaning behind my words has led to significant breakthroughs. He skillfully integrates spiritual wisdom into our conversations, anchoring them in the realities of my everyday life.

Alex's background as a software engineer has provided him a rare ability to connect to my experiences in the tech industry, setting him apart from other coaches I've encountered.

Working with Alex has been an incredible journey of self-discovery."

Justin, Investor and Consultant


“Alex’s guidance went far beyond the X’s and O’s of setting and accomplishing goals. He got to the heart of the matter patiently and empathetically, taking his time to assess what I needed versus what I wanted. After entering our sessions with a blind determination to accomplish a material goal, I instead left with the deepest, truest sense of love for myself I’ve ever had in my adult life.”

Ian, Musician and Screenwriter


"Alex helped me be grounded in today to create a path forward. He saw my positive qualities and really supported them. He is calming and grounding. Analytical but very heart-centered… helpful in finding balance."

Mel, CEO e-commerce and services firm


“Alex has served me well with his ability and commitment to receive, hold and attend to my complexity. I’ve been able to come with my desires, questions, rage, lethargy, homesickness and he creates a roominess to explore all parts -- and then with skill and insight, guides me back to the path in a newly integrated way.

The experience of being present with Alex is like being in the presence of a sage/poet who has deep wells to draw from, along with a patient sensitivity. He considers and honors the moment and the human. There is an exploration for not only what will be supportive but what will be most fitting.”

Alexandria, Artist and Photographer

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